protecting the roots
of traditional healing

Our goal is to protect and promote the use of traditional concepts of natural healing,
health and illness interpretations and non-intrusive and non-invasive healing practices.


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Code of



SANTHA aims to provide information on traditional and herbal healing and to generate fruitful discussion on key issues in the sustainable and equitable use of plant resources in natural healing practices.

We further aim to protect the art of medicinal plants and herbs to ensure the future generations of South Africa remembers and keep using the power of human intuition armed with the force of nature and her plants.

Creating a System of Standards in an unspoken world

The purpose behind our CODE OF ETHICS 

• Develop a consensus of ethics and standards that will help to bring greater unity to the healing profession in South Africa;
• Raise standards internally within healing modalities and individual healing practices; and
• Enhance the professional standing of healing in the world at large.

Developing a common Code of Ethics for all healers is an ongoing and evolving process. SANTHA has identified and articulated areas of common ground that can serve as a foundation for further dialogue and exploration among and between individual healers and organisations involved with healing.

Those healers and healing organisations wishing to respond and contribute their perspective are invited to reply directly to SANTHA operates within a consensus framework and seeks to honor the wisdom and perspectives of all healers and healing traditions.

Develop yourself for the Health Industry

Establish your Career in Health Shops

We have created a new category to help you develop yourself to excel in any Natural Health Shop globally with a thorough understanding of some of natures miracle herbs, spices and oils. By working your way through the series we know you will be very well equipped for the natural health world. This is an ongoing series of online, self-paced short courses.

The Wonders of Schweden Bitters

We have created a new category to help you develop yourself to excel in any Natural Health Shop globally with a thourough understanding of some of natures miracle herbs, spices and oils. By working your way through the series we know you will be very well equiped for the natural health world. This is an ongoing series of online, selfpaced short courses.

Olive Leaf Extract Essentials

We have created a new category to help you develop yourself to excel in any Natural Health Shop globally with a thourough understanding of some of natures miracle herbs, spices and oils. By working your way through the series we know you will be very well equiped for the natural health world. This is an ongoing series of online, selfpaced short courses.

Milk Thistle the Liver Supporter

We have created a new category to help you develop yourself to excel in any Natural Health Shop globally with a thourough understanding of some of natures miracle herbs, spices and oils. By working your way through the series we know you will be very well equiped for the natural health world. This is an ongoing series of online, selfpaced short courses.

Lay the Foundations for your Career as a Natural Health Practitioner

This category is for those who want to take it that one step further and esablish themselves in the health industry as more professional and with ambition of starting to practise.

Modern Herbalist Certificate

We have created a new category to help you develop yourself to excel in any Natural Health Shop globally with a thourough understanding of some of natures miracle herbs, spices and oils. By working your way through the series we know you will be very well equiped for the natural health world. This is an ongoing series of online, selfpaced short courses.

Cannabis Master Certificate

We have created a new category to help you develop yourself to excel in any Natural Health Shop globally with a thourough understanding of some of natures miracle herbs, spices and oils. By working your way through the series we know you will be very well equiped for the natural health world. This is an ongoing series of online, selfpaced short courses.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapist Certificate

We have created a new category to help you develop yourself to excel in any Natural Health Shop globally with a thourough understanding of some of natures miracle herbs, spices and oils. By working your way through the series we know you will be very well equiped for the natural health world. This is an ongoing series of online, selfpaced short courses.


Study with

Code of



for more information please complete the form below

 PLEASE NOTE: This email box is monitored regularly, but not full time.
Due to COVID-19 and other financial strains, all volunteers opted to work from home and we dont have and will not meet at any physical offices until further notice.

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